Where did my verbage go?!? I've had two of my biggest writing tests this week, including my final, and all of my impressive vocabulary has disappeared! I do not appreciate whatever irony can be found in this situation.
Well in other news; I do believe a failed an Ultimate Geek test. I opted out of signing up for summer courses because I'd rather have an uncluttered schedule and some glorious free time. Does that make me less of a nerd? I feel a little like I'm endangering my identity. Well I suppose renewing my piano lessons and stepping up my writing will redeem my supernerd status......right? Hmm...
So I am seriously considering writing my first real peice of literature, I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to go about it but I think it's going to be some kind of allegorical fiction. It will probably be very short. I want to experiment with using imaginanary characters to tell real life stories and morals. My rudimentary attempts should be very interesting if not downright comical ;-)
I suppose I should return to studying, I've got another final in 40 minutes and I don't want to risk dropping my 4.0 and commiting Nerd-Status suicide. If you have any ideas or opinions on topic or technique for my writing project or know some helpful resources then use your keyboard and get at me!